The best SEO Company in India - E-Commerce Portal Development

Supervan Home Solutions Private Limited launched '' as an online Superstore that delivers most household goods to consumers the same day, within hours (and perhaps minutes) of ordering in Gurgaon. With the facility choose from wide range of 1,500 products and over a 100 brands, customers have facility to order & pay online using credit / debit card. On time delivery is very important as the company intended to deliver the order on same day basis. The portal is marketed in the name of

An integrated and robust system was built to get it launched in just 30 days. The administration panel was built to let the team track their customers, orders, delivery slots, products, categories etc and importantly managing products and their prices. The system helps for easy locate, procure & bundle every order again and again.

Launched on Sept 1st, 2014
Technically, at Kenovate Solutions, a dynamic E-Commerce front end and robust & scalable backend was built with the facility to let the team manage products, categories, pricelist, customers, orders, slots, deliveries, call center, prcurement, offers etc. Complete facility for administrators to check online registrations and their respective orders and tracking the business performance dashbooard along with options to view / download various reports.

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