Your online products can attract the customers easily but the successful completion of a sale depends on various other services provided by you which include the payment mode. Secure money transactions over the internet are the lookout of all the customers to ensure the safety of their valuable money.

Your e-commerce site will be complete only by integrating a reliable payment gateway to process the credit card, e-checks, and other payment modes. Providing the right payment mode option is very essential for the success of an e-commerce business. All the online stores will be more successful only when they can offer more number of payment gateways for the users to choose.
Once payment gateway is integrated with your website, shopping cart, ecommerce portal or application, you will be able to accept credit card payments online. You can now target to your global audience without any delay in payment processing and collection.

Not just this will give an additional benefit to your existing customers; it will also help you increase your customer base throughout the world.

Flexible service

Real time payment

Secured over net

Cost effective solution for money transaction

Easy installation

Quick processing of transaction

Instant information processing

Online payment receipt

Complete transaction history
As published in Economic Times on Feb 1st 2013 under 'Online payment gateway services expanding fast in NCR', Mr. Harinder Takhar, CEO, PayTM said 'In a day we have around 74,000 users' talking about online transaction per day.
We, at Kenovate Solutions, have partnered with payment gateway providers to extend our services to our customers and help them getting a payment gateway for themselves. If you have an online website or a e-store, we can help you get a payment gateway for your business and get it integrated with your website to start collecting money online. Do give us a call at +91-11-42141242 to know more or write to us at